
How to install a Chrome extension to your desktop from your smartphone - sosakingstrus89

Sometimes it's stunning how handy Google makes it to use its software—it really, really is. If you receive a smartphone you can now remotely establis Google Chrome extensions to your desktop PC. This is similar to the way you terminate remotely install Android apps to your phone from your PC (just in reverse).

Even amend, this method works on any smartphone. I tested it on an Android phone, a Windows 10 Mobile call up, and an iPhone. In each sheath, information technology worked exactly the same way.

Rent out's say you invite a link to an filename extension in the Chrome Web Store on your phone past reading a news article or blog C. W. Post, an email, instant message, Facebook…whatever.


You can add a Chrome extension to your PC from a earpiece in few taps.

When you tap that unite to the Chrome Web Put in, A long as you're signed in to your Google account on your smartphone's web browser, you'll see a button that says Add to Background.


Tap Add up to Background one and only more time to complete the process.

Now knock the clitoris and a pop-up window appears with a second Add to Desktop button. The windowpane also informs you that the extension will be installed on whatsoever PC where you're signed in to Chrome.

Wiretap the second button and within a few seconds the new elongation will be installed along your PC—or PCs if that's the case. If you already have the extension installed the button will sayAdded to Desktop.

When you look at your PC, you'll know an extension is being installed, because the "beefburger" menu ikon on Chrome for Windows will jump to turn Orange instead of the usual dirty. This is similar to when you incur an alert that an extension was disabled Beaver State necessarily new permissions.

Click happening the hamburger menu icon and the pinch of the drop-down menu will notify you that an extension was installed remotely.

As a security, even so, the extension will exist installed but not enabled.


You'll have to enable the extension on your desktop before information technology'll work.

To enable it, click the notification at the big top of the drop-down computer menu, time lag for a pop-up balloon to appear giving you the superior to enable or remove the extension.

Presumably you'll have to put through this work on happening every computer where Chrome is installed.

That's it. Your extension is right away ready for use.

In that respect is one downside to this new feature. Unfortunately, you cannot shop the Chrome Web Store from your phone and then install some extension you like remotely. Hopefully, this testament change in the future, but for now this deception only works if you are browsing to a specific extension happening the Web Store. If you just navigate to the Chrome Web Store from Chrome for Android you'll get a message expression your OS is not supported.

Installing Chromium-plate extensions remotely is non quite as easy as installing an Android app from your desktop, but it's beautiful close.

[via Android Police]


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