
How To Set Up Google Assistant On Chromebook

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Chrome Os has a hidden characteristic that lets yous use Google Banana on your Chromebook. It'south tucked away as an experimental feature on the Flags page, and when enabled, lets yous take advantage of Google Assistant directly from the desktop.

When yous enable anything from chrome://flags , you're using experimental features that haven't been tested on all devices and could misbehave. Although Banana is enabled, you can potentially run into a few bugs along the way, so exist careful when playing around with some of these flags.

How to Enable Google Assistant

Fire upwards Chrome, paste chrome://flags/#enable-native-google-assistant into the Omnibox, and hitting "Enter" to go directly to the Google Banana flag.

Note: Google Assistant isn't available on all devices yet, though it's scheduled to be enabled on all Chromebooks with the release of Chrome version 77. If you don't see the flag, check to make sure you lot're running the latest version of Chrome Os, update your organisation (if necessary), and then render to the flags page.

Click the drop-down box adjacent to the "Enable Google Banana" flag, so click "Enabled."

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Now, for the changes to have effect, yous must restart Chrome OS—click the blue "Restart Now" push button at the bottom of the Flags folio.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

In one case your device restarts, you lot can use Assistant correct away. Press "Search+A" to open the Banana overlay on your device, and then type a message into the text field provided.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

If you adopt to access Banana whatever time you say, "Ok Google," caput to Settings > Google Assistant or type chrome://settings/googleAssistant into the Omnibox to view the settings for Assistant. Here, you tin can configure Assistant even further, but for now, select "Always On" from the drop-down carte beside "Ok Google."

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

To salve ability, if yous select "On (Recommended)," Ok Google is on but when your device is continued to a power source. A window opens requesting you lot turn on vocalisation and sound activity for the full Banana experience. Click "Turn On."

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Go on through the rest of the pages to set up the full Assistant experience, so click "Done" to shut the window.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

That's all there is to information technology! Subsequently yous leave the widow, Google Banana is ready to respond the vocalism-activated hot give-and-take, "Ok Google."

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Google isn't officially making Google Assistant enabled by default on all Chromebooks until Chrome OS 77 is released. But you can enable it now past flipping on a switch under-the-hood.

Google includes its phonation-activated digital assistant, Google Assistant, Android phones and tablets, and its line of Google Domicile smart speakers. But Banana isn't yet available on the Chromebook. But Google is set to include it with a time to come release of Chrome Bone. Withal, the cool thing is yous can enable the experimental feature right now on your Chromebook. Here's how to go it running.

Enable Google Assistant on Chromebook

To start things off, you lot will need to enable a Flag that's "under-the-hood," so to speak. Launch the Chrome browser and enter the following path into the search box, and hitting Enter.

That highlights the "Enable Google Assistant" flag. Click the dropdown menu and choose Enabled. Then scroll to the lesser of the page and click the Restart At present button to restart your system for the changes to take effect.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Afterward your Chromebook restarts, you can first using Assistant. Hit the keyboard shortcut Search + A to bring up the Google Assistant screen and type in your queries. Or, if you want information technology to be vocalisation-activated, enable more features and click the "Get Started" link.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Now you demand to follow the onscreen instructions. You'll need to stop setting up Google Banana with your account, enable permissions, railroad train your phonation, etc.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

If you want to tweak more Assistant feature, striking Search + A or say "OK Google" or "Hey Google" and and so click Settings > Assistant > Chromebook. In that location you tin can do things like retraining your voice, allow notifications, vocalization or keyboard input, and more.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

That'south all there is to it! Now you tin outset using Google Banana like yous would if yous practice on your Android telephone or tablet, Google Home smart speaker, or select TVs. If your new to Google'south digital assistant and aren't sure what it tin practise, check out our article on 21 useful things you lot can say to Google Assistant to become started.

Once again, Google isn't set to officially enable Assistant on all Chromebooks until the release of Chrome OS 77. Past and so, information technology should exist better integrated, more stable, and include more features. Still, it'due south cool to turn on Assistant today and give it a try.

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Have you just updated your Chromebook to Chrome OS 77 hoping Google Banana would be available? Well, it appears the assistant may non exist available on all devices by default. However, there is no demand to worry because this How-To guide will bear witness yous how to become your Google Banana working on your Chromebook.

The first thing you lot demand to practice is to update your operating organisation to Chrome OS 77. This normally happens automatically just y'all can get admission to the new operating system if you bank check for updates manually. If Chrome Os 77 is not yet available on your Chromebook, then at that place is no demand to panic considering information technology'south being rolled out in stages.

Google suggested the Google Assistant would be enabled automatically. So I updated to Chrome OS 77 today simply the assistant was not activated. Unsure why this was the example for my Asus Chromebook and this may not be the case for all devices. Either fashion, let'southward go through the process of getting Google Assistant upward and running.


Once you've updated your Chromebook to Chrome Os 77 the first affair y'all'll need to do is to bank check if Assistant is enabled. To do this get to your settings menu and look downwards the left column for 'Search and Assistant'. If Google Assistant is not activated you'll come across 'Search Engine' as shown beneath.

If 'Search Engine' is showing in your settings menu, then yous need to enable Google Assistant manually.


To enable Google Banana manually y'all need to alter the flag settings. To do this open a Chrome browser and blazon the following in the address bar 'chrome://flags' and and then hit the return key.

What you're at present seeing is a list of experiments currently beingness tested to work with Chrome Bone. I would not necessarily propose using any that you're unaware of. In the search box at the summit type in 'Google Assistant' and you should see something similar to below. One time you've changed to enabled a restart of your Chromebook is required

You should then see the showtime option as 'Enable Google Banana'. Alter the drop-downwards choice to the correct from 'Default' to 'Enabled'. One time you've done this at the bottom of the screen information technology volition confirm you lot need to restart your Chromebook. Restart your Chromebook by pressing the push.

GOOGLE Assistant IS At present ENABLED

Once you've restarted your Chromebook you should be presented with a dialogue box. You lot should follow the instructions, as this volition assistance y'all gear up Google Assistant for the first time. If you've already used Google Banana on another device there isn't much you need to do during this stage, every bit your voice will already be trained.

If you lot're anything like me as soon as the assistant was installed you probably said 'ok Google'. If yous had your Chromebook plugged into the mains yous would take got a response. All the same, if your Chromebook was not plugged in then nothing would have happened.

To fix this you need to alter the settings for Google Assistant.


If y'all've followed the above instructions yous should at present be able to see the Google Banana settings. You can hands check this past going to your settings menu. In the left-paw cavalcade, you should now see 'Search and Banana', as shown beneath.

If you lot want to employ Google Assistant when your Chromebook is in battery mode, you need to select this option. Click on the Search and assistant from the left menu as shown above.

You'll then be presented with a menu to the right of this. Look for the option 'Ok Google'. If it's currently set to 'On Recommended', and so your assistant will only respond if your Chromebook is plugged into the mains. Change this to 'Ever On' to have Google Assistant work when using your Chromebooks battery. Change to E'er on to use Google Assistant in battery mode


Your Google Banana is at present gear up to work whether your Chromebook is plugged into the mains or not. Obviously, yous may want to watch this setting if your battery deteriorates besides chop-chop during the day. The fact Google recommends only to apply when your Chromebook is plugged in suggests your battery may have a battering from having it always available.

Now all you lot demand to exercise is say 'OK Google' or 'Hey Google'. When you've done this you'll see the Google Assistant popular up as you lot can meet below.

You can now ask your Google Banana any question yous can think of. There are also plenty of commands you lot can use with Google Assistant to make your life easier. I'll be looking at these at a later date and keep you lot informed.

Chromebook users can now access Google Banana's Ambience Mode on their devices simply by turning on an experimental flag. That's based on a recent report from Chrome Story, outlining the progress of the new feature on the platform. For now, users are able to turn Ambience Style on for their Chromebook and even make some minor adjustments for customization.

To get Ambience Way requires an experimental flag, as noted in a higher place. That ways there will likely be bugs and it won't work exactly as it is intended to at concluding release. But, different many pre-release features, it's fairly easy to actuate experimental Ambient Fashion on a Chromebook. Users but need to beginning ensuring they accept the latest version of Chrome Bone — that's Chrome OS 81 — and then navigating to the "chrome://flags" URL.

From there, searching for "Enable Ambient Manner" will call frontwards the appropriate setting. That needs to be set to "Enabled" and then the Chromebook will need to be restarted. Google throws forward a restart button, found at the bottom of the page, for convenience.

In one case the above-mentioned steps have been followed, Ambience Manner volition exist on by default. But users are able to gain access to a couple of customizations in its current iteration too. To do that, or to plow off Ambient Manner, users need to navigate to the Settings app, then to Personalization via the left-hand sidebar. Just under the "Wallpaper" option, the flag adds an Ambient Way carte.

Tapping on that calls forrad a toggle to turn Ambience Style on or off on a Chromebook. It besides delivers options to use the standard Art Gallery — used on Chromecast devices — or more personal images from Google Photos.

What is Ambient Mode on a Chromebook?

As noted above, Ambient Mode is direct related to Google Banana. Launched back in tardily 2022, starting with phones and tablets, it effectively utilizes Assistant to plough other display enabled devices into smart home hubs when devices are docked. Information technology showcases basic smart abode interactions, ready-access to Google Banana, and a ton of personalized useful data. That'southward when a device is in standby mode and plugged in.

On smartphones and tablets, that information is shown on the lock screen. It'south not immediately clear how that'due south going to piece of work with Chromebooks. The lock screen on those works more closely to how a PC or laptop does. That is to say, the lock screen isn't e'er invisible, merely appearing afterwards a sign-out and only later on the power button has been hit to reactivate the screen.

Google may allow the display to remain active with Ambience Mode enabled then that the related information and interactions are always available. Or it may crave users to actively turn on the device to its lock screen for access.

When will this arrive for everybody on the Stable Channel?

Now, this is available via a flag setting but isn't available by default just yet. The present version of Chrome Os is Chrome 81. But Google does announced to be close to finalizing Ambience Mode for apply with its Chromebook operating organization. That doesn't' hateful it's going to launch for everybody presently though.

The earliest this could launch is in Chrome Os 83, with that update currently slated for tardily May. That does seem unlikely since the feature freeze for Chrome 83 striking dorsum in mid-March. And so Chrome Bone 84 appears to be the all-time bet for when Ambient Mode will arrive. That'south tentatively scheduled for July 21.

Screen savers don't take many purposes beyond looking cool and hiding your screen. If you have a Chromebook, however, you can enable a screen saver with personal photos and information. Any Chrome Bone device can look like a Smart Display.

The Chrome OS screen saver looks like to a Chromecast or Smart Display backdrop. Information technology shows the time, weather, and music playing. The background images tin exist pulled from your Google Photos account or a curated fine art gallery. While information technology does look like a Smart Display, information technology doesn't have any Google Assistant features.

Note: In order to utilise the screen saver feature, your device needs to accept Chrome Bone 88 or newer.

Offset, select the clock on the Shelf to open the Quick Settings panel. Click the gear icon to open the Settings menu.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

From the Settings, select "Personalization" in the left sidebar.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Click "Screen Saver" under the "Personalization" department.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Toggle on the "On" switch.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

At present nosotros accept a few personalization options to work with. Under the "Background" section, y'all can choose between "Google Photos" or "Art Gallery."

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Each i will give you a few dissimilar albums to choose from. If you choose "Google Photos," you tin choose from your personal albums.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

After you've made your groundwork selections, go down to the "Atmospheric condition" department and choose "Fahrenheit" or "Celsius."

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

That'due south all there is to information technology. The screen saver will automatically starting time when the device goes idle, which takes about six minutes on battery power or eight minutes when plugged in.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebookThe screen saver in action. Google

If you'd like to make the display stay on so you can bask the screen saver longer, open the Settings bill of fare and go to Device > Power. Here, you can cull to "Go along Display On" when idle while charging or on battery.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Now you have a Smart Display-esque screen saver with some handy information and personalized groundwork images. This should brand your Chromebook wait a little nicer when you're non using it.

If you find the Google Assistant abrasive or invasive, turn it off. Here's how to disable Google'south AI voice assistant on your smartphone or smart abode device.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

Who has the all-time virtual banana? It's hard to tell, especially when Amazon'due south Alexa, Apple'south Siri, and Google Assistant tin can all mostly exercise the same tasks. You call out the AI'southward wake word, and it comes to life on your phone, smart home device, or smart speaker.

For the most office, shutting off that vocalisation-activated assistant defeats the purpose of having a smart device in the outset place. Merely there are times when you might want to silence it or limit eavesdropping, peculiarly on your smartphone.

Whether you desire to stop tech companies from listening in on individual conversations, notice Google Assistant is a little too sensitive, or just find the feature annoying, in that location are steps you tin can have to secure your habitation and diverse devices. When it comes to Google's AI banana, the procedure is an piece of cake one.

What Is Google Banana?

Google Assistant is a virtual assistant powered by artificial intelligence for phones, tablets, computers, and smart home devices. You can interact with the Assistant through vox commands or keyboard input to search the cyberspace, send texts, play music, check the weather, schedule events, set alarms, adjust smart dwelling settings, and much more than.

Google Assistant boasts over one million deportment the service can perform on its ain, with more existence added all the time. Further actions are made possible thanks to the AI'due south integration with Google's large choice of apps too equally tertiary-party services.

Uniform Devices

Debuting in 2022, Google Assistant was released to back-trail the Google Abode smart speaker and Google'due south Allo messaging app—and compete with Amazon'due south Alexa and Apple'due south Siri. While Allo was ultimately shelved, Google Assistant lives on as an Android operating organization integration and standalone app.

Google Banana is at present available on iOS and Android mobile devices, Google smart speakers and displays, Chromebooks, Google's Wearable OS for smartwatches, and even the Pixel Bud wireless earbuds. It can as well be used in sure cars through Android Motorcar and is compatible with Android Boob tube devices. New integrations are added all the fourth dimension.

Turn Off Google Assistant

On Android- and Chrome Bone-powered devices that characteristic Google Assistant, the service is baked into the operating system. That ways the AI cannot be completely removed, just muted or disabled. Since iOS devices require you lot to download the app from the App Store, Google Banana can only be uninstalled.

Android Devices

Open the Google Assistant app; if the AI is broiled into the operating organisation on your Android phone or tablet, concur down the dwelling button. Tap Explore, select your profile icon, and choose Settings. Under the Assistant tab, select your device and turn off the switch next to Google Assistant.

If yous use the Google app, click More than > Settings > Google Assistant, then select the Assistant tab and choose your device. Turn off the switch adjacent to Google Banana.

Chrome Os Devices

You can't completely disable Google Assistant in Chrome OS similar y'all can in Android, but the wake word tin can exist turned off. On your Chromebook, select the time in the bottom-right corner and select Settings.

Feb 24, 2022 · iv min read

For my daily driver here at work, I am using a Samsung Chromebook +. This car and the Chromebook Pro are fantastic machines and I recommend them highly to people all the time. Ane of the unmarried greatest reasons to use a computer like this is the access it provides to the Google Play Shop and subsequently Android apps. The first account I logged onto the Chromebook with, was my personal Gmail account. I was up and running on the Play Shop in no fourth dimension, and was even prompted to enable the feature automatically. Getting the Play Store enabled on my G Suite account for work, still, was another story.

My first effort involved bringing up the settings panel while I was logged into my Dark Horse business relationship, searching for "Play Store" and navigating to the appropriate settings category. I was frustrated to notice a notification proverb this feature needed to be enabled by my organization earlier I could use it. So, being the super admin for my domain I headed over to to observe the characteristic and enable it. I thought my prayers were answered when I found this subsection of the admin console and checked the box enabling the feature.

Unfortunately, the Play Store was however not available on my Chromebook, and I was out of quick fixes likewise as ideas.

I tried the typical google search for advice from the user community and initially came upwards empty-handed. I then turned to Yard Suite's fantastic 24/seven support line through my admin console hoping Google themselves could walk me through the process. This has been the one and only time they were not able to take me correct to a solution. Commonly they are fantastic to piece of work with, fast, and very helpful. I volition write a blog postal service in the futurity that explains how to use and do good from their awesome 24/7 support.

After most xxx minutes of frustration, I returned to the tried and true Google search with some adjusted search linguistic communication queries to endeavour and find some answers. This time I struck gilded. Cheers get out once over again to the Reddit community for coming through in the clutch. I found this link that eventually enabled the Play Store for my Chiliad Suite account and I will walk you through the steps beneath:

Last week, Chrome Bone 88 began rolling out to users across the globe. This update contained some very useful forepart-facing features for users but undoubtedly the most talked almost is the new Chrome Bone screen saver. One time called ambience mode, the screen saver function has been in the works for more than a twelvemonth and a half and now information technology is bachelor to y'all in the Stable aqueduct of Chrome Os.

Earlier we dive into the new Chrome Bone screen saver, let's talk a niggling bit well-nigh what it'south non. A number of publications have referred to the new characteristic as a way to turn your Chromebook into a smart brandish. While the screen saver does offer up bits of useful data, it does not requite you the functionality of devices such equally the Nest Hub or Lenovo Smart Brandish. In its current state, the screen saver does do a couple of not bad tricks. First, information technology gives yous the ability to customize the images that show on your screen when the brandish is idle for a menses of fourth dimension. Similar a Chromecast, users can choose between images from Google'due south curated art and photography albums or yous can enable your Google Photos and select from your personal photo albums.

In addition to the customizable images, you will get basic weather info, the time, and a ticker at the top-right of the screen that displays media that you accept playing when the screen goes idle. This is all very useful and it gives your Chromebook a real personalized feel. That said, you can say "Hey Yard" and await your Chromebook to turn into an Assistant-enabled smart display. You won't be able to control your dwelling devices or ping the Assistant with an inquiry about your favorite team's scores. That's not to say that this isn't on the road map for the Chrome OS screen saver. It's just not there at the moment and I don't know if it ever will exist. Personally, I don't know if I want my Chromebook to turn into a smart display when the screen goes idle. I suppose, with Vox Match, information technology wouldn't be a big deal so long every bit there was a style to forbid others from interacting with my device. Anyhow, it's not a thing so it is of no business at the moment.

Okay. If you want to enable the screen saver on your Chromebook, information technology's as easy as 1,ii,iii. Head over to your Chrome OS settings menu. You tin can practise then by clicking the quick settings bill of fare in the bottom-right of your screen. At the top of the settings, you should come across a gear icon. Click that. Now you're in the settings menu. In the left-paw carte, click the "personalization" tab. The final setting on the listing should be "screen saver." If it isn't, yous may still be on Chrome Os 87. To cheque, click the "Almost Chrome Bone" tab in the left-hand menu then select "check for updates." Back to the screen saver. You can toggle between Fahrenheit or Celcius depending on your personal preference. To set your photos for the screen saver, click Art Gallery if you want to be served Fine art and photography by Google. That's it. When your display goes idle, you lot will come across images just similar the ones you run across on your Chromecast or smart display.

If you want a more personal experience, you can select "photos" and selection which album yous'd like to see photos from on your Chromebook. Yous tin can pick as many albums equally you like. If you want to show off a specific set of photos curated but for your Chromebook, just head over to Google Photos and create a new album just for this task. Click on the Albums tab so click "create album." Name it any y'all like. So, find the photos that you want to utilize for your Chromebook and add them to the new album. Once y'all've finished, head back to the screen saver on your Chromebook and your new anthology should be available as an selection for the ambient brandish. That's all there is to it. Hope you found this useful. I like the new screen saver option and I call up that it'south a dandy addition to the ecosystem.


  • An easy guide to activating Hey Or OK Google On Your Device
  • How to use OK Google on your Android phone
  • A complete guide for ok google fix my device

Day by twenty-four hour period Cyberspace technology has continued to grow. Besides, there has been a lot of technology change in Google's service. Google's voice assistant service is one of them. In this service, you can use Google search from your voice. To admission it, your device needs some setting called "Ok Google Setup My Device". If you are interested in this affair, and then read this topic until the terminate

OK Google is the intelligent voice command program of Google Assistant where your device can follow your own voice. You can set up your own voice into Google Assistant setting and run your devices by giving your own voice speech. This is an awesome feature to run whatsoever device in the air. There is no need to impact screen after you lot fix OK Google in your device.

"OK Google" is an essential function of Google Vocalism Assistant. Where you can but open up Google Assistant by your maxim "OK Google" and run it in your device past your voice command. You tin can Simple use Google Assistant features without touching the device. Just in OK Google features you tin can prepare your own vocalism and run your device by your own voice. After you lot set up OK Google in your device the smart vox control can't read to some other person's voice to complete the task they asked.

What is Google Assistant?

Google Assistant is an artificial intelligence virtual banana of your device. It'southward developed by Google Inc. and it made for home devices & smartphones. This is like to Apple Inc.'south production Siri & Microsoft Voice assistant "Cortana". Google Banana is a organization software on all android mobile phones. You tin can simply run & enquire for any aid from your voice. You tin can employ Google Assistant on your Smartphone, Android TV, Tablet, Chromebook & Google Dwelling Devices.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

The best function of Google Voice Assistant is the OK Google Features. After y'all set up information technology on your device then you can use Google Assistant anywhere by Proverb "OK Google". Let'southward know How to set up upwardly OK Google My Device. In brusk, you lot have been suggested to ready Google Phonation. Once it is activated, you can use it by speaking "OK Google" or "Hey Google".

How to Gear up OK Google

This is a quick footstep past steps guide to activate the OK Google voice command on your Device. Follow the introduction and open up Google Assistant by Say OK Google. ou tin use OK.


  • Android Version v.0 or higher
  • Applicative RAM 1GB Minimum
  • Google App V6.iii Or in a higher place
  1. Update your Google App
  2. Now Open up Google App > Click On More > Become to Setting
  3. Click on Vocalism and Go to Vocalization Match Give Access your Microphone
  4. At present switch On Access With Voice Lucifer
  5. Concur to Access Your Assistant With Vocalisation Lucifer
  6. You lot are Set up will be consummate, now say Hey Google or OK Google To Actuate it.

How to enable google assistant on your chromebook

How to utilise OK Google

This is very easy to utilise OK Google features afterward you set up it on your mobile phone. To use OK Gooogle On your Android Device. Just Say Hey Google Or OK Google the Google Banana will be open up instantly. Now say anything or inquire any questions for help. Yous can use OK Google while your phone is lock. Google Vocalisation Assistant Supported on android version 8.0 or above.


This article has made with proper guidance. However, yous can setup your device to Google Vocalization Assistant easily. We hope you get satisfactory information from this post. We wish that you take got all the data about the OK Google setup. If there is whatsoever doubt, you can ask u.s.a. by comment. For more information like this visit our site Saste Bargain regularly.

How To Set Up Google Assistant On Chromebook,


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