
How To Set Up Salesforce

Editor's notation: This is ane of our most popular posts, so we've re-published it here information technology with the latest information and resources.

What are the first few things your should do when setting upwards a new Salesforce org? Thank you to the generosity of the Salesforce Community, I've gathered best practices from real-life Admins to help you lot get setup for success.

Before yous log in to your new org, there are a few things yous should do to prepare:

  • Define a articulate vision for using Salesforce . Why is your company using Salesforce? How does it marshal with the overall company mission argument?
  • Certificate all the things! Make certain that any changes you make are documented from Day 1 so that you can easily get back and review, share, or replicate processes with stakeholders.
  • Learn with Trailhead . Go up to speed with everything from CRM Basics to Change Management with the fun way to larn Salesforce.

Now that yous've prepared, let's get into the org and starting time working!

Step 1: Add Your Company Logo

Brand Salesforce wait similar yours by adding your company logo in the upper left-hand corner of the application. This makes it clear to users that Salesforce is theirs to use. In social club to do this, you need to create a custom App. An App is a way to organize your tabs and allows yous to change the logo. You can then employ Profiles to ready the App as default for your users.

Create a logo file (JPG or PNG) with size 253px × 55px. Set up a new folder in Documents labeled "Logo" and fix it to "attainable by all users."

Upload your logo file equally a Document in this new Logo folder and check the "Externally Bachelor Image" checkbox.

Now permit's create the custom App. In Setup, go to Apps, Create New.

Add your logo paradigm from the Logo documents folder you created.

Make the custom App visible or default to the appropriate profiles, then relieve. Switch to your custom app, and there is your logo!

For more details, bank check this out this article.

Step 2: Enter Your Company Info

Next, yous'll want to update your visitor profile with your company's default fourth dimension zone, financial year, and primary contact information.

In Setup, search for Visitor Profile and click through all the sections to update.

Stride 3: Set up Security Policies

Now that you've got the basics gear up, y'all need to make sure your Salesforce org is secure. The new Health Check feature is a great tool to guide you lot through best practices for countersign policies, network settings, and session settings.

In Setup, search for "Health Check" and edit each department.

Pace 4: Set up Up a Sandbox

Before yous do annihilation else in your Production org, fix a Sandbox! Sandbox orgs are replicas of your Product org where information technology is safe to experiment with new customizations and features without affecting your company's real-time data. Once y'all've tested your customizations in Sandbox, you can seamlessly push button them into your Production org when you are ready. Best practice is to never make changes directly in your Production org.

Check out these stride-by-step instructions.

Step five: Add Ability of 1 & Case Safe ID Fields

In your Sandbox, adding these two fields on Standard & Custom Objects will help you be a reporting primary.

Ability of Ane is a simple formula that enables your to summarize data quickly in reports. Information technology'south besides an like shooting fish in a barrel manner to write your first formula.

In Setup, select Customize, any object (I chose Accounts for this demo), and then Fields. Choose Formula.

Label the new field "Power of 1", select Number, and 0 decimals.

Enter the formula: "1" and click adjacent to gear up field-level security.

For more on this awesome tip, read: "The Power of One" the Greatest Formula Ever Written

Case Safe ID is another unproblematic formula that enables you to dispense record IDs in other reporting tools (i.e. Excel) that practice not recognize case-sensitivity. This formula field will display the 18 character blastoff-numeric (not case-sensitive) record ID instead of the 15 graphic symbol case-sensitive record ID. This helps forbid wrong field mapping for importing & exporting your information.

In Setup click Customize, select an object (I chose Accounts for this demo), then Fields. Choose Formula.

Characterization the new field CaseSafeID, select Text value, and and so utilize the Advanced Formula Editor to select CASESAFE(ID) and click adjacent to set field-level security.

For more details about Instance Safe ID, cheque out this great commodity.

Now you're ready to rock! Spend some fourth dimension customizing objects, fields, page layouts in your Sandbox and define Profiles and Permission Sets for user access. Explore the great apps bachelor in the AppExchange that you can install in your Sandbox with just a few clicks, like community favorites Draggin' Role , Churr Blacklist , Adoption Dashboards , Field Trip ,and The Permissioner . And, of grade, don't forget to document all the things!

To find out more tips for success, and to enquire answers from the very experts who shared these tips, get on the Success Community today .

Huge cheers to the 80+ suggestions I received via Twitter & the Success Community for this postal service. Go on 'em coming!

Honorable mentions:

Enable Chatter! Before anyone can tell y'all not too 😉 – Steve Williams

Fix anybody's contour pic to the dog they virtually resemble. – Matt Bertuzzi

Enable Churr, Feed Layouts, Salesforce Topics, Quick Deportment, Salesforce1 Mobile, Notes, Salesforce for Outlook, State & State Picklists, Duplicates – Jodie Miners

Allow collapse sidebar. – Mary Tagler

Put Taylor Swift's 1989 on repeat – Brian Zehnle


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